Are Cigars Making A Comeback?

April 28, 2023 9:31 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Cuban,Cigars,In,A,Wooden,Box,,Blur,Glass,Of,CognacAre Cigars Making A Comeback?

Despite their reputation as dangerous and addictive, cigars are making a comeback for many different reasons. Cigars are popular among a variety of people, and they’re also being sold in more places than ever before. Additionally, cigar sales noticeably increased during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, and they’re likely to keep going strong. There are many different reasons for this trend, and we’ll look at them below.

Cigars Regaining Popularity

Once thought of as an old-school luxury, cigars are becoming increasingly popular again. This time, it’s for a variety of reasons. For starters, people are more educated about cigars and its history and traditions. That’s why cigar smokers are more likely to seek out a local smoke shop or cigar bar or than in the past. Another reason is that the cigar industry has been able to recover after the tobacco crisis. It’s taken a lot of hard work, but the market is finally settled and refined tobacco growing methods are making premium cigars just as good as storied Cuban stogies. In fact, cigars are a great option for younger smokers who are looking to avoid cigarette smoking and want to enjoy something different. Flavored cigars are more appealing to youth than traditional unflavored cigars.


There are a lot of reasons why cigars are making a comeback. One of the most compelling is that cigars are becoming more popular among the millennials. There seems to be a resurgence in the millennial smoking scene, as they are beginning to hit the traditional mile markers of adulthood: marriage, home ownership and careers. And while these milestones might not seem like the perfect adolescent activity, they are a good indicator that the smoking culture is on the rise. Young smokers are also increasingly supplementing their nicotine addiction with e-cigarettes, specifically Juuls. They’re not as bad for their health as cigarettes, but they still cause lung cancer and heart disease. The key to avoiding these negative health effects is to purchase quality cigars, limit your usage and inhale slowly. These tips can keep you from exposing yourself to the health risks that come with smoking cigars and pipes. They can also help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Cigars are a popular choice for many people. They’re a fun and inexpensive way to spend time with friends or family, or simply unwind after a long day. The best cigars are made using quality tobacco. They use a wrapper that is strong, elastic and silky in texture, as well as a binder that is flavorful and burns quickly. They are also a great way to celebrate a special occasion or just enjoy a delicious smoke. There are some upscale cigar brands that will even hand-roll your favorite cigar for you. As a bonus, cigars are a great way to spruce up your home or office, too. You can purchase a variety of different styles and colors to suit your tastes. Plus, they’re also easy to find and can be purchased at many retailers. So what are you waiting for? Pick up a few boxes, or try the newest trend in cigar smoking – hand-rolling your own!

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